It's funny because it's true

The Request And Response Cycle

HTTP stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol. This is a basis for data communication in the internet. The data communication starts with a request sent from a client and ends with the response received from a web server.

Write Code, Post Dev Memes

I am perpetually distracted. I procrastinate best by looking for funny and clever humor in hard to reach areas of the web. I’ve established a system where each day that I spend focused time working on code and making GitHub contributions, I will reward myself by posting a new humorous dev joke on a new instagram page I created just for this task. I’ll update this post over the weekend with the relevant info and look forward to sharing this part of my journey, too,.

Progress, not perfection: CLI project - The Hard Way

Early on into my journey of learning to code with Flatiron School and I figured out the best way for me to fully immerse myself into the curriculum. Along with mapping out goals over 13-week cycles and printing out every single lesson and lab and posting it on my wall (17 pages, in case you were wondering), I chose to handwrite all my code on graph paper. I didn’t stop there. I color coded each line to match the ruby linter installed on my text editor of choice (currently Atom). I will write another blog post about ‘How I Learn’, but for right now I want to talk about how much that has helped me out during the final projects in the Ruby section.

Finding your pace at

When I first started completing lessons and labs I became fixated on watching my progress mount up. Following the green circles fill up was exciting. I really wanted to make a lot of progress quickly, the blue ‘Next Lesson’ button calling my name.

Whose Side Are You On?

Ask any two well established web developers about learning to code today and you will get two passionate answers that are simultaneaously similar and yet quite disparate. I interviwed scores of programmers and read a multitude of articles and blog posts about learning to code. Here’s what I have extrapolated;